The Digital Humanities Academy, which we organized in partnership with the Digital Ottoman Studies Platform and the Union of Marmara Municipalities, has been completed successfully. DBB Academy, which was held for the first time in Turkey, included workshops on different themes such as text analysis, spatial analysis, coding, and network analysis. A real research experience was aimed with hands-on training in the workshops designed on new methods and approaches in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities. Thanks to the DBB Academy, participants had the opportunity to ask new research questions by making humanities data a part of digital methods.
The academy, which started with introductory courses in Digital Humanities, continued with basic training in data logic and Microsoft Excel, and the participants worked on database preparation and editing.
In the second week of the DBB academy, we made applications in coding language and data mining with introductory lessons to Python. Thanks to this workshop, participants gained an introductory level of coding and experience in extracting and editing data from the web.
As the third theme of the academy, studies on text analysis were carried out with Atlas.ti software. Through this program, the participants had the opportunity to examine the historical texts as well as the data in audio and video format, with tagging, annotation, and network visualization techniques in detail.
Network Analysis According to Uskudar Kadı Registers No. 51
(Emine Oztaner)
Another theme focuses on network analysis and covers Gephi software applications. In this workshop, we had a theoretical knowledge of Social Network Analysis and network visualizations on actual data. Thanks to this workshop, the participants had the opportunity to analyze the direction and centrality of the relationship between different types of themes in historical data.
Betweenness Network Analysis of Uskudar Lodges According to 19th Century Lodge Lists (Serpil Ozcan)
The last workshop of the DBB Academy focused on digital mapping studies with ArcGIS, one of the outstanding programs of Geographic Information Systems. As a result of this workshop, the participants produced digital maps of the data on the humanities and performed thematic analyzes. At the same time, within the scope of this workshop, historical maps were placed on current coordinates as part of raster data analysis.
Uskudar Neighborhoods According to the Population Statistics Chart in 1885
(Busranur Bekman)
As DOS Platform, we would like to support the researchers and students to gain experience in software expertise by continuing the Digital Humanities Academy, which we have designed for new research methods and approaches in the future as well. We are happy to express our endless thanks to the Union of Marmara Municipalities, which hosted this academy, trainers, and to all the team who contributed to the organization.
You can follow our announcements on social media to participate in the next Digital Humanities Academy!
Fatma AladaÄŸ,
Ph.D Candidate,
Universität Leipzig