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Digital Forays in Middle Eastern Studies (March 4-April 29, 2021)

Spring 2021:

March 4, 2021 | DIGITAL FORAYS: DIGITAL DATA GATHERING & CHANGING WAYS OF KNOWING I: WITNESSING + PROOF + HUMAN RIGHTS' with Hadi Al Khatib (Syrian Archive), Samira Koujok (Columbia University), Lorenzo Pezzani (Goldsmiths, University of London), and discussant Jillian York (EFF)

March 18, 2021 | DIGITAL FORAYS: DIGITAL DATA GATHERING & CHANGING WAYS OF KNOWING II: SOCIAL MEDIA AFTERLIVES with Yakein Abdelmagid (Research Strategist), Marc Owen Jones (HBKU), Marlene Schäfers (University of Cambridge), and discussant Adel Iskandar (SFU)

April 1, 2021 | DIGITAL FORAYS: SPACE & PLACE I: CRITICAL MAPPING & COUNTER-CARTOGRAPHY with Majd Al-Shihabi (Systems Design Engineer), Nermin Elsherif (CHEurope), Ghazal Jafari (University of Virginia), and discussant Timur Hammond (Syracuse University)

April 15, 2021 | DIGITAL FORAYS: SPACE & PLACE II: VISUALIZATION & DIGITAL STORYTELLING with Ahmad Barclay (Architect), Ahmad El-Gharbie' (American University of Beirut), Fabiola Hanna (The New School) and discussant Hatim El-Hibri (George Mason University) April 22, 2021 | DIGITAL FORAYS: FUTURE DIGITAL RESEARCH ON/IN/FROM THE MIDDLE EAST with Akram Khater (NC State University), Marina Rustow (Princeton University), David Joseph Wrisley (NYU), and Farès el-Dahdah (Rice University)

April 29, 2021 | DIGITAL FORAYS: LIGHTNING TALKS FROM JUNIOR SCHOLARS -- Open call to present - SUBMIT YOUR PROJECT!!!! -- (link to signup for event)

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